Panto Day

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Panto Day




Items relating to Panto Day, Panto Opera, and Pantosphinx.


Special Collections and Archives, The University of Liverpool


Special Collections and Archives, The University of Liverpool


Special Collections and Archives, The University of Liverpool


Special Collections and Archives, The University of Liverpool


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Collection Items

Photograph of students creating copies of the Pantosfinx
Students creating copies of the Pantosfinx, January 1936

Photograph of students on motorbike advertising the Pantosfinx
Three female students on a motorcycle, wearing gowns and mortar board and holding copies Pantosfinx, 14 January 1936. From the collection of Mrs Mary Riddick (née Rigg), who graduated B.A. in 1936 and obtained the Diploma in Education in 1937. Inter…

Photograph of students fighting over the panto mascot
General scrum of students in the University quadrangle, fighting for possession of the Panto mascot "Sister Jane", 13 January 1936

Photograph of Panto float containing chemical flask display
Panto float (featuring various Chemical flasks, etc.), passing in front of St. George's Hall, 16 February 1963

Photograph of The Sphinx Panto Day programme
Photograph taken from an 1928 issue of The Sphinx showing the route taken by the Panto procession

Photograph of Liver Bird float in the Panto Day parade
Photograph of Liver Bird float being drawn down Brownlow Hill (with the Metropolitan Cathedral in course of erection and other floats in the background) - 20 Feb 1965

Photograph of students playing tug-of-war on Panto Day
Photograph of students holding up traffic on Lord Street with a tug-of-war game, February 1955. Reproduced with permission from Liverpool Echo.

Photograph of students and an elephant selling the Pantosfinx, 1936
Photograph of students advertising the Pantosfinx on the back of an elephant. On the elephant (left to right): Norman Bayliss, Mary Rigg (later married Sidney Riddick), Joan Roscoe, and Brenda Griffiths (later, 1937-38, Lady President of the Guild of…

Photograph of Physical Society's see-saw fundraiser
Photograph of students on the Physical Society's see-saw on London Road, February 1965. The society was successful in see-sawing for 100 hours as part of Panto Day fundraising efforts.

Photograph of Panto Day parade float "The Big Gun"
Photograph of Panto Day 1965 showing "The Big Gun" float built by Rathbone Hall being drawn past the Harold Cohen Library.
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