Lectures and seminars

Attending lectures and seminars has always been a fundamental part of student life. The number of lecture theatres and seminar rooms in Schools and Departments across campus has grown as the student population has increased. Photographs from the archives of students attending lectures and seminar groups reflect this growth, from the early days of University College to modern day, and very much depict the attitudes and the fashions of the day.

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Students attending a lecture in Physical Chemistry in the Muspratt Laboratories, 1913

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Medical students in a class, c. 1960s

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Medical students attending a lecture in the Pathology Laboratory, [1960s]

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Students attending a lecture in the Medical School, c. 1960s-1970s

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Students attending a lecture in the Medical School, c. 1960s-1970s

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Students working together in a seminar group, 1973

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School of Classics lecture, 1980s

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Law students attending a lecture, 1980s 

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Students attending a Law seminar, 1980s

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Students in a seminar in the School of Classics, 1980s

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Students attending a seminar in the School of Law, c. 1980s

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Students participating in an Extension Studies seminar in the Department of Education, 1985

Lectures and seminars